30,000 Hits & more to come
On 03/08/10 exactly 1 year ago we took the then nervous look at firing up our web-site, some members of other clubs said it would be a “Dead Horse” as no one would be bothered to look at it after the first time! History has proved this was not a fact, I would thank you all for your support at keeping me & others inspired to keep it up to date, also for all the members that either sell,advertise, or view our Youtube area, maybe even checking in on the Parts & Repairers area for who we support in our Association as well as all our Advertisers, this is all only possible with feed-back from you all, so keep anything that might be significant that you might want to send in (Indian orientated of course) a we will put it on the site for others to enjoy. Meanwhile the site is constantly improving with quite a few changes in the pipeline so as they say in the classic’s “Tune in for the next exciting instalment”