About the Club
The Iron Indian Riders Association of Australia for all Indian’s & up to 1976 B.E.A (British,European & American) enthusiasts throughout Australia
We have a shared common interest in all Indian Motorcycles from 1901. Our association will concentrate on all models Springfield,Prague,Reddich,Plumstead,Taipei, Italian,German, & Gilroy & Kings Mountain or current Victory- Indians built in Iowa U.S.A.
We are the only Indian Club in Australia to embrace the entire history of the Indian Motocycle & Motorcycle brand from its historical beginnings through to the present day & into the future.
Our motto is “Indian Motorcycles, powering out of the past, cruising into the future”
Vic Section IIRA Association General Meetings held last Tuesday of the quarter listed on the Events Calendar and Smoke Signals e-magazine (except December- January)
Meeting Venue: GrandView Hotel 429 Heidleberg Rd Fairfield 3078
Quarterly Monthly Association PSM (Pleasant Sunday Morning)
1st Sunday of the month quarterly run check Calendar as these are not on if a rally falls in the same month
Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA
To renew your membership with the Association visit our on-line shop