Maybe I should re-think the colour



Just out on Facebook two red Scouts with paint bubbles, could this be the reason for the delay in delivery to Aussie, rumour has it the production has stopped on Scout till February. Personally I’m speculating here of course,  that the April -May delivery Aussie could be even later. There may be cancellations here as that puts delivery awful close to 2016 launch at Sturgis this August. In 1979 I went through Triumph at Meridan there was a huge area of the factory warehouse  full of new Bonnevilles possibly 2000 or more I asked what all these new machines were waiting for, and was told these were the machines that unfortunatly missed the American summer season as they arrived to late! So they were freighted back to UK and were sold as last years models at a stonking huge loss, this can sometimes work out well as was proved when T160 Tridents were delivered, people recoiled and Norton-Villiers-Triumph sent out a message to all Triumph dealers that they would buy back all T150 Trident models for the UK market, my boss had about 35 left and made a killing. Unfortunatly in Indians case I can’t see this happening as the 2016 model unless unchanged will outsell the 2015 version as manufacturers rarely make worse models these days when they upgrade, so maybe there will be run-out models for sale this will surely guarantee a price hike the exchange rate in the $ will be quoted as a deciding factor but Indian have only two choices and the other is lower the price on the 2015 models or leave it the same and jump the price on 2016 versions, meanwhile the is another rumour the “Dark Horse” and Indian Springfield will make a comeback last ones were Kings Mountain variants, who knows what’s next the “Bomber” was one I liked