A update from the President

Hi All
Following on from my recent email, I want to keep you updated on club activities. With border restrictions changing rapidly, we are constantly reviewing our forward activities.
Thanks to Richard Onyon for a successful Midnight Express rally last Saturday night, the run was great fun and those who attended enjoyed the rally.
Upcoming events are always shown on the club calendar on the website and I encourage you to keep yourselves updated on club activities.
There have been a couple of changes since I last contacted you.
The March rally to Warrnambool has been moved to April, from the 16th to the 18th. This avoids having 2 monthly events in succession. We are keen to have a few rides, but not everyone can do 2 months in a row.
In its place, on Sunday March 14th, Richard Onyon has arranged a Trials bike riding day. This is aimed at teaching road riders some of the finer points of balance and control at slow speed and is great fun as well. 
The day is limited to a maximum of 12 people, 6 in the morning & 6 in the afternoon, with lunch in the middle. The cost is $280 per person. I’ve attached a link to the website for more information. If you are interested, could you please confirm with Richard on 0414466966 as soon as possible.http://trialsexperience.com.au/?gclid=CjwKCAiAjeSABhAPEiwAqfxURecBFg-uKoBo5dIauZRTLjnJCkmWYvNbqS1JRGf5uJPF6v-qsXQEIxoC0-UQAvD_BwE

The Inverloch weekend is fully booked, thank you all for arranging your own accomodation, Noel has arranged another wonderful weekend for us all. Don’t forget to bring your $30 ride fee in cash if possible. With Peter Kime being unable to manage the fees due to his recent ill health, we would appreciate your help with this.
Peter, it is great to hear that you are on the mend and our thoughts are with you and your family as you return to health.
Monthly meetings commence on Tuesday 23rd Feb at the Pascoevale Hotel from 7.30pm for an 8pm start.
We look forward to seeing you all soon.
Alistair Piercy