Bloody Winter! But We Have Christmas Coming this week-end
The I.I.R.A Committee have decided that our members need something to cheer them up at this time of year as it’s wet & freezing, therefore Chrissy Henshaw our Social Secretary is organising Christmas in July 08/07/12. This is a great idea as we don’t have one at the real time anyway,what else can you do at this time of year? We are having it at Garage Classics in Williamstown with all the trimmings 2 types roast meat & Plum pudding or Pav included, keep your eye on the Events Calendar details are there & the date is on 8th (Sunday the week after the Association Run) . The bookings will need to be confirmed with a deposit, so why not pay at the meeting next Tuesday night? This is The Social Event to get your Wife,Girlfriend, Mistress,Boyfriend or Man-friend out ( did I miss anyone), so they can see what you are doing & with whom every month remember all the details on the Association Calendar.