Burt’s Birthday & 200,000 Hits
Burt Munro’s birthday is today, he was born in Edenvale New Zealand in 1899, since he died in 1977 the legend has outgrown the man. It is nice to see that Indian built a tribute bike with the new 111 Thunderstroke engine in it this will be having a run I believe later this year , wonder if it will exceed the 1920 Scout engined original. Don’t forget the meeting tomorrow night as the guys from Indian will be there to show us all the stuff about the new engine & hopefully more details on the Munro homage replica. Your Smoke Signals quarterly Association magazine is out electronically the hard copy will be produced after Easter, something about this electronic age, it is fast. And lastly 200,000 hits on our website, the Americans are well & truly beating the Indian’s with a 20% view the next is the aussie’s at 42%, most of the Yank’s are Californian’s but we have everyone of each of the States view us at some time or other, so how come we have few members from the States?