Gypsy Tour and other things



The next years Gypsy Tour of Tassie 2024  in March next year 7 people have already made the commitment  and paid the $100 entry to come and we will be limiting it to 20 financial members on club eligible machinery (all Indians and BEA British,European & American till 1976) , the thing is you must book the ferry NOW as if you leave it go for another few months the ferry will be FULL. Recent reports are the ferry is full so you may have to book the day before to get on!

Lastly Membership Sec Andrew tells me 30 people need to renew now so unless you are a brand new member thats joined in the last 3 months start to put this down as a priority now. the end of next month un-financial members are riding un-permitted red plate machines the fine is 3 points off your licence and $800 + fine.