Indian motorcycle Club of W.A


We are honoured to have had a letter of affiliation from the Indian motorcycle Cub of West Australia, this has always been a priority of the IIRA to foster relations with other existing Indian Clubs rather than trying to overrun them, it always  pays to have mates with similar or same interests, rather than change them, the Catholic Church tried this 500 years ago & it never worked! The Gypsie Tour 2012 cemented the relationship between our Clubs & hopefully will only lead to more events in the future, thanks again chaps.This week-end is the 3rd Crazy Horse Rally  those attending will have downloaded all the Maps & as there is a B.B,Q Saturday night which is B.Y.O everything don’t forget your meat unless you paid for the presentation  evening meal then it is free, breakfasts need to be ordered with Fiona when you book-in. I love the old Camelback above it was recently sold at a American auction

Letter from WA Indian Club Oct 12