Entries are out for the Crazy Horse november 3-6
In the past I have put out upcoming Rally entries above under the Town Crier I have put the Harold Parsons Winter Rally Form (next month) & the Crazy Horse Rally now on the Melbourne Cup Week-end November 3-6 this was mainly due to people wanting a 3 day event & in summer so now you have it. These are also on the Upcoming Events area, so no excuses for not knowing. This year at the Crazy Horse there will be a cut-off for the catering but you can enter up to the week before although this is not advisable as you will miss out on a Rally pack, remember the accommodation can be tight for the Mountain View Motel I have already booked! Somebody sent me this picture of a Indian Prince Chris Knoop has a couple of these I reckon this may inspire him to fix his
Last years Crazy Horse Rally 2011 was a successful event so don’t miss out (click on Highlight)