Feb W Aust Indian News is in
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Lots have been said at recent rallies about the old and the new Indians and how forward thinking the founder members of the IIRA were in taking the step to split from the IMCA to give us the vibrant Association that we have today. Many of todays members don’t realize that some of us thought that this was the way forward to such a progressive situation you take for granted, things such as regular club rides, changes of major committee members every couple of years, and encouraging Associate members, and a website that has 650,000 hits in 4 years and a healthy Facebook Page have given us today what is taken for granted. I notice this is happening with our friends in W.Aust as well and can only help a vibrant membership, we all honour our Springfield roots and admire the product that Polaris today is making to such a good standard its inevitable that these owners mix and ride together, our last weekend at the Sitting Bull Rally had both Gilroy & Polaris owners riding handshift versions with some thinking about purchasing a Springfield version, whats more we all enjoyed each others company and 18 Indians in all made a good weekend