Free Honorary Membership to all Indian Owners for 12 months!

front coversmokesignals1310websmokesignals1303webSmoke Signals, WInter 2012


What’s that you say Free Honorary Membership in the best Indian Association in Aussie well yes for 12 months but only for Indian owners, any model (we may require proof if your interstate) and a Free Indian calendar worth $30(while stocks last) with the quarterly association magazine Smoke Signals chucked in as well.  A couple of conditions, first we need you to return the membership form which is available below so you can receive your Smoke Signals, also you will need to send us a stamped self-addressed large C4 size envelope with postage stamp $2 if you want your calendar. So what don’t you get for nothing, no  free red-plate inspection, no enamel Association badge, no voting privileges, no access to the members area on the website & no Smouldering Embers monthly e-letter, no hard copy magazine only email version, everything else remains the same as a fully paid up member. We would of course enjoy your company at a meeting and an Association Rally or Monthly Run if humanly possible, that’s not much to ask is it, the full membership can be paid to upgrade at any time

honorary membership form2       (click to download)