Indian & Bugatti lots of similarities

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So whats similar to a car plenty, Bugatti started in 1909 Indian in 1901 Ettori Bugatti died in 1947 the company struggled on to the early 1950″s same as Indian, a revival in 1987 with the EB112 pictured till 1995, Gilroy Indians started in 1999 went till 2004. Bugatti was bought by VW in 1998 and built the Veyron the fastest car in the world I believe. Indian was bought by Polaris in 2011 and builds a extremly competitive Cruiser and probably the quickest machine put into production under two years. Now I wonder if Veyron owners get told “Thats not a real Bugatti” like Gilroy & later era Indian owners get told, anyone know a Bugatti owner?

Bugatti History  (click on link)