Lest we forget
Anzac is more than a holiday, football match or a biscuit it means somebody died for the freedoms and the lifestyle we enjoy today. Unfortunately these days like your right to vote very few realise how lucky we are, this has cost thousands of men and women their life all for future generations to see it as a holiday like Queen’s birthday weekend and little else, beside Christmas Day or Easter this is possibly our most revered holiday. When I was a young man a lot of diggers were still alive from WW1 & WW2 now none are left from the Great War and sadly WW2 veterans are in small numbers as well Korean and Vietnam vets are shrinking in numbers, sure later soldiers from Desert Storm and Afghanistan are still around and are just as important but they were sent by Australian Governments to fight for democracy in other lands, our WW11 vets fought for our very existence, something a lot of people have no idea what may have happened if they lost that fight and these men and women are to be not only respected but honoured by all of us, Lest we Forget