Mecum’s Auctions the USA market, has the world gone mad?
The last couple of weeks I repeated my last years “pilgrimage” to Mecums Auctions in Las Vegas and it was interesting to see what is classed as valuable in todays markets with over 1700 bikes up for auction, interestingly Clymer Indian’s a now being appreciated even more than some Springfield models, what with a Indian mini-mini 50cc selling for a staggeringly smart price of $11,000 USD although a Z50 Honda beat it by a margin at $11,250 USD ! Then to ramp it up a Clymer Indian 125cc sold for $7,500 USD a Gilroy or two held up well at $7,245 & $9,500 USD, a 1968 Clymer Indian electracycle seemed reasonable value at $3,000 considering Harley announced yesterday that they are ready to produce an electric bike (as usual Indian beat them again at this) and shut there plants in Adelaide and Kentucky due to falling sales which I have been saying since 2013 will see them bankrupt sooner than you think. Harley prices at the auctions were miserably low, and many “chromo-sexuals” would be stricken with grief with some bikes approaching almost scrap prices after seller premiums were taken from the results, still I digress at Bonham’s a Vincent Black Lightning which I called “Caesars Axe” as it was purporting to be Jack Ehret’s Australian record holder (which part) that sold for $1.2 million or a cyclomotor attachment Vincent Firefly 50cc for $20,000, the world has surely gone mad