RACV were there for who?

74855_racvRACV Elizabeth Stimages
The RACV in their wisdom have decided to forget their roots and support bicyclists, as they don’t pay registration costs or support the RACV unless there wife and kids are in the family sedan. What stuffs me is a hell of a lot of motorcyclists are in their Club and guess what, they like our money but obviously not us, if they look back in history to times when there were nine times more motorcycles on the roads than cars & they even ran outfits (pictured above) as breakdown vehicles they may realize that we have fought very hard for our rights yet they seem happy to promote pedal power, doesn’t this idiot realize motorcycles solve congestion problems in large cities more than bicycles or cars, methinks the President Ross Herron needs to pull his head out of his arse and start thinking of his members like the medallion says “Service to Members” 

“Why have the city’s footpaths become parking bays for Motorcycles? They hinder traffic. Would a better use of this space be cycling lanes similar to many European cities? (Ref. RACV Magazine Dec 14/Jan 15 P.11).

Further points to consider:

RACV do not want us on the footpath

RACV do not want us in bus lanes

RACV do not want us in push bike lanes

RACV do not include us in their monthly magazine (not for a long time.)

RACV do not want us using up road space. “Would a better use of this space be cycling lanes”.

The RACV has a representative on the Motorcycle Advisory Group (MAG).
Motorcycle Advisory Group

The Motorcycle Advisory Group (MAG) was established in mid-2011 to provide VicRoads with strategic advice on issues relating to the management and development of motorcycling in Victoria.

All riders and pillions need to keep a close eye on the RACV regarding their bias motorcycle and scooter policies.