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Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

I”m relying on a C344 to save my life!

I have a 344 Chief and I”ve never thought of it as life saver, sometimes it has done the opposite as a life ender with seriously inadequate brakes, average lighting […]

Sandy gets her Scout

  At long last after waiting close to a year Sandy got her Scout today, unbelievable,good luck with it Sandy and I believe Phil Nuskie got his as well

SCOUT Delivery dates

The good news from Polaris-Indian is that a very small handful of Scout’s will be delivered next Friday so I know at least 3 of the 12 ordered for Iron […]

Sandy’s day is coming

  Today I had a phone call from Adrian Givoy public relations manager of Indian Australia to give me some good news, a black Scout was available for me to […]