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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

New Red Plate Scheme

All the confusing details are up on our Members Forms Area they are complex so read slowly the link is provided below, beside 6 photos and new forms pre-1949 machines […]

So a letter of apology to Scout Owners in USA but zilch in Aussie

This is what we all wanted, but in Australia we get no apology or an official letter to know whats happening, and you wonder why we are all upset. Steve […]

Why? & the Sitting Bull Entry

  Zundian (Zundapp in Scout) Moto-Indian (Moto-Guzzi) there must be plenty of people out there with lots of time on their hands.Meanwhile the Rally Forms are out for the Sitting […]

How many people out there still own their old bike?

  The bloke above does, so does Pete Kime, I know one or two others with their Indians that they grew old with, I have my bike (not an Indian) […]