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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

I hate to mention it

  The Milwaukee Tractor company used to be once innovating  and had balls also they weren’t dictated to by their customers as they are now the two designs above prove […]

Why wait?

  Yesterday everyone that had placed a deposit on the 2015 Scout were told “With luck expect your bike in Winter or April-May”,previously these people were told after the official […]

All that’s needed in the little cupboard

  Post war Indians are fairly reliable but when you go on a ride some tools are handy I found that the little cupboard (toolbox on the side)is neither to […]

Old will never be new again

  Rose tinted glasses, everything was much better back then, well at our last Gypsy Tour earlier this year we never had a Bathing Beauty Pageant seeing it was all […]