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Guido’s Preview

As announced the Editor Guy Allen has been testing the new Scout yesterday in New Zealand the small preview is listed below. thanks AMCN & MotorcycleTrader magazine Guido’s Scout Review

What a waste!

  Wall Street knows Harley loaned 2.3 Billion $ BMW get sued! (I have this problem with my Indian)    

Indian is reminding me about something I dont need to remember, Xmas!

  So this Indian Wish list thing how does it work, the same as Coles & Woolworth’s you start a wish list with Indian it can be clothing or accessories […]

640B, 741 vs 841?

  WWII Indian is punting the 741 as the bike to tour Europe on, 500 cc of performance and a shovel to either dig it out of a hole, hit it […]