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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Old is new again

So a lot of new things happening your New committee has the ever waited for updated website happening very soon by another old friend Richard Monty who created our existing […]

AGM Matters etc

AGM notices are currently being re-sent out to conform with Corporate Affairs regulations this week on Monday 4th announcing our AGM and it is to be held on 8.00pm 27/9/22 […]

Chinese copy

And from member Jeremy Furness a good comment Another lack of creativity shown by a small Chinese company. I really find it difficult to understand why these brands cannot design […]

What the hell is happening?

Plenty, its just all the personal things keep getting in the way and family things added, in a nutshell the website is in the process of a complete overhaul and […]