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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Indian-CZ a cheap alternative?

  Years ago your webmaster worked at the Jawa-CZ agency Frank Musset & Co in the 70″s at that time we stopped selling Velocette and we were the state agents […]

Irish Indian & Indian Tractors

Should have saved this till St Patrick’s Day, six leaf clover and a PowerPlus engine suits green tyres. The next picture is even better, it gets me how many people […]

Friday Hog jokes

  The last month’s meeting someone mentioned to me about being in the Harley Appreciation Club, well not quite although the banter between Hog & Indian guys has been going […]

Rain-in the-Face Rally, a fantastic weekend

Fantastic weather, great company, comfortable accommodation with plenty of food & a nice selection of Indians from Springfield to Polaris with no breakdowns this all adds up to a marvelous […]