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Infatuated with Electric Starts

Electric start Indians the option they should have stuck with above all the others, then we would have no need for either the Timmerman(German) or the Leenes (Dutch) Kiwi (Yank) […]

Indian Drifter?

Kawasaki Drifter 1500. (Click on link) A friend of mine has recently bought a Kawasaki Drifter similar to the one pictured above except the previous owner has fitted Indian Decals […]

The opposition are loosing a grip

  Gary Nixon was the hot-shot US Triumph mile circuit rider in the late sixties, he got the Number 1 plate and with Gene Romero wrought destruction on the Boat […]

History is as strong as heritage

  Three classic shots, Pancho Villa in fighting form ready to have war with America on an American Indian, the second photo is one we have all had at one […]