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Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Free Honorary Membership to all Indian Owners for 12 months!

  What’s that you say Free Honorary Membership in the best Indian Association in Aussie well yes for 12 months but only for Indian owners, any model (we may require proof […]

Queensland laws taken to the limit

For our overseas members that will find recent Bikie Law reforms in a State in Australia called Queensland draconian, any more than 3 people meeting together can be prosecuted as […]

Cannonball Baker Another legend for Indian

  Link to Cannonball Baker History

And Still they don’t believe, just keep reading

Bart Simpson is right, out of the major players in the USA that have survived Indian’s were there 2 years before & the first with a V-Twin seven years later. […]