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Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

2 years later and were are not back to normal

So a lot of people are still “shell shocked” by the recent pandemic, some are still afraid to travel others are reluctant to gather with friends and of course social […]

Members under the weather

At this point I must wish some of our members all the best as they are not well at this point in time Linda Jones, Pete Kime & Ian Rhook […]

Its not just us

Recently I was asked about other club’s policies on Covid -19 the Williamstown Motorcycle Club have a similar policy to us Fully Vaccinated Requirement for WMCC Events With the roll […]

Famous Indian

Few people know her and yet, this 1200 Chief of 1948 was probably one of the most media-related Indians in the world. In front of 30 million spectators, she indeed […]