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Before it was the Worlds fastest Indian

Superhero’s are always in your face, but Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne,and Wally West (Superman,Batman,Flash) are not, so everyone knows the World’s Fastest Indian as it is now, but it was […]

How many of the Fastest Indians are there?

A couple of years (1978) Mike Hailwood won the I.O.M on the Sports Motorcycles Ducati built by Steve Wynn this was dismantled and over the years at least four are […]

When trailers were redundant

Back in the good old days going somewhere in your car with a motorcycle was as easy as removing your spare wheel, then dropping the rear wheel into the cavity […]

Happy New Year 2014

  Happy New Year, and I hope the resolutions you decided on last week are on track, these are many and varied at this time of year from doing work […]