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Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Noel’s new toy and how others think

  Noel Thornby was one of the first to express interest in a new Indian when they were announced & eagerly placed his deposit down, now most of you will […]

Springfield,Gilroy,Spirit Lake all Indian’s

To show the uniformity of our Association a picture of a 1947 Roadmaster, 2003 Chief Vintage, 2014 Chief Vintage, all Indians from different era’s and as we are un-biased all […]

An Amazing 344 owned by a fellow member

This is a picture 344 that will be featured in a upcoming article in the next Smoke Signals Magazine out next month, the owner is a regular at all our […]

Happy as a dog with two D**k’s

Thats a crude way of saying it but I’m pictured with Chris Horner’s new Chief Vintage which he has given to me to Run-in while he is away, the other pictures […]