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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Do we really need another Indian Club?

This was a question asked by a H.O.G Owner to me when the IIRA was formed over 3 years ago, I answered this easily as there was not another Indian Club around […]

Joining has never been so easy

  Ever thought joining or buying off the Iron Indian Riders of Australia was difficult, well no we have a new on-line shop up and running for this, just click […]

Zorro’s Indian spares & where’s the new Indian news gone?

                                                           ( […]

Solid Wheels & is there a theme going here?

1924 was quite a year & solid wheels were in, well optioned as a acessories anyhow, they have come in and out of fashion over the years & I think […]