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Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Great Race 2014

The entries will soon be out for the Great Race 2014 it will be held 25-26 January 2014 at the Station resort Jindabyne NSW. This is the event of the […]

In 1911 Indian won the TT, how would they go now?

How things have changed, look at the link below, with out a doubt it makes any other motorcycle race in the world look insipid, and ridden by “wimps” Here is […]

Here we go again, more Technoligy

The Iron Indian Riders of Australia have always been one of the more progressive clubs & the most progressive Indian group in Aussie let me reflect a little, the website […]

Thanks for your hard work guys

This time of year after the AGM you get changes in committee, actually three this year with Mark Barthelmie (President) & Steve & Chrissie York ( Secretary & Social Sec), […]