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How about a Great Race next Generation?

Thought this shot would break the monotony, I recognise Ian Rhook’s Blackhawk forked 344 on the end, and this was probably over 2 years ago at the Sandhurst Rally I […]

Our new Clubman of the Year

Chris Horner is our new Clubman of the Year, this is the only award we give out so it is as special as the people that receive it. Chris has […]


Indian Enfield, 111 Indian, in less than 6 days we will know what the factory will turn out, it will not be anything like this artists concept above, notice the […]

The other Indian Sales Vindian

We have all seen the Vindian photos, the ones that were made in UK by the Vincent works in Stevenage, the story about how the machine was dismantled and sent […]