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Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Is there a theme here, & thanks for 1/4 million hits

I reckon there is, its winter in the Southern Hemisphere & although not as cold as in the far Northern Hemisphere, it’s still cold & wet & no thats not […]

No need to be Red faced on your Red Indian

If you have a bike on Club Plates and have not paid your Association subscription by June 30 YOU maybe responsible for a few people being Red Faced. First, your Association […]

Things are tough in USA

  Things are tough over the pond in America, but a light hearted look at Indians latest TV campaign, the Harley -Ferguson boys hopefully can see the joke (click on […]

1917 Tasmanian Indian

VINTAGE 1917 COLOUR PHOTOGRAPH: motorcycle excursion to Ross, Tasmania. This very early and faded “PAGET COLOUR” photograph is by H J King, and that’s him riding the motorcycle. Lucy King […]