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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Yet another Vindian

So now there are four in Victoria and the latest one is your presidents Mark Barthelmie, weirdly the first one I provided all the then known details to Pete Arundel […]

What a blast, Gypsy Tour of Tassie 2024

How do you write a snapshot of the recent Gypsy Tour if you’re been following the Facebook page of the IIRA you will have seen Gary Hogg’s living maps with […]

Preparing for that trip?

The Gypsy Tour of Tassie 2024 is now less than 4 weeks away for those who have booked your preparation should be now done, but knowing some of those Gary […]

Plenty to do this year

The 2024 year is off with a bang, the Midday Express Run to Thornton for a overnight stop this Saturday, then 11th Feb the Macedon Car Club Show & Shine […]