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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Well the end of the year is nigh

  I always like to do a summary at the end of the year of whats happened, in January the Midday Express to Thornton proved very popular and it will […]

End of the year blues

How come the end of the year becomes a funnel with the earlier months ticking away doggedly slowly, while in the colder months when you are supposed to do your […]

Christmas Party date

All details on the Events Calendar it will be on 1/12/24 in Lancefield at Wayne Smiths chateau you can either ride directly to the destination or meet at 9-30 for […]

Spring Pub & Grub Ride 2024

This will be a entirely new 4 day event  25-28 October and if successful may well be repeated, and as an Unofficial Event  (although listed here for convenience) there will […]