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Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

2012 Indian Brochure

Polaris have released a 2012 interim brochure till they produce a all new range hopefully in 2013 (click on links below)   2012 Indian Brochure 2011 Indian Brochure  2010 Indian Brochure  2009 […]

100 cu Indian Hillclimber for real Men

We have all seen photos of Indian Hillclimbers in the old days yawn, well how about this one for the 21st Century? Ian Rhook posted this on our Facebook page […]

Plenty to do

Just added a YouTube link on Rodger Donaldson’s documentary on making the Fastest Indian movie all good modern history for the brand. In between working on a 1948 Chief I […]

Faster than Burt’s Scout?

Just got this link on Jim Mosher’s double engined Indian Scout at Bonneville , click on the link below, also after much whinging I have sorted out the YouTube Area […]