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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

The Week-End & That Timmerman Article

Your V.P (President of Vice) or Vice-president in our case sent a list of Indian Regalia which is highlighted in the Advertiser’ & Regalia area under Zorro’s Advert, Indian Products plenty to buy from the man. The […]

General News (all good)

Just got off the phone from Cam Cuthill from Indian’s parent company Victory Motorcycles, they are keen to support us as a advertiser on our web-site & sponsor a $200 […]

Some history on an infamous Gypsy Tour 1947

Recently I was prompted into doing research on the generic name Gypsy Tour since 1916 & was very surprised how many Clubs & Associations have used this name in the […]

More Event’s in 2012 for your Calendar

Ex-Chairman Lindsay Urquhart recently mentioned the Broadford Bonanza held on the Easter week-end’s featured bike will be Indian so plans are afoot to beat BSA GoldStar numbers that turned out this […]