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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Support your local Indian Dealer

How many years have I known John Gee from Antique motorcycles at least thirty, when I first met the guy he was and still is in your face tall and […]

This needs to be out there

How many times have you been as pleased as punch at a finished project and some P.I.A comes up and tells you you have wrecked that motorcycle and how dare […]

Tell us what we need to do

First of all what does your association do for you where does that hard earned $50 give you a year well lets list what your getting at the moment: Four […]

Indian closes company stores in Australia

Of course this is not before time, the cost of company owned shops run by company staff who are not “hungry” is much like the Government, it was time to […]