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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

The ultimate Indian/Triumph?

Some people in our Association love Triumphs beside myself ,Garry Hogg, Chris Horner, & Pete Kime to name a few, so lads how about this the ultimate Indian or ultimate […]

The next Sunday ride in July

The next Sunday ride in July is a combined ride with the VRV (Vincent Riders Victoria) the link is below, thanks to Richard Onyon. We are reliant on the weather […]

Strawberries to Pigs

You know the really weird thing about IIRA rallies or events is how many people say they are looking forward to the next one or we need more things like […]

The New website preview

At the meeting last night a member asked about our new website and a preview of what its like. Click the link below