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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

What a Chout!

Daryl Colt’s Chout is a combination of a twenties Scout and a 1200 forties Chief engine, he has just finished it today and brought it to me for a inspection […]

Richard”s got a new Indian

Richard Onyon your second in command club captain has given himself a treat and traded in his Scout for a 3,500 klm  Dark Horse looks like will see him out […]

Next Tuesday you can make a difference

Every year each member has the choice to influence the direction of their association for the next twelve months, how, well by coming to the AGM and taking part in […]

This months ride report to Point Cook

Pete Kime’s ride report to Point Cook earlier this month is very good as usual, no the bike above with a Coal Gas Diffuser fitted is from WW11 when petrol […]