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Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Sidecars on Indians

Funny how people think Indian’s have an Indian sidecar fitted, as a matter of fact hardly any except the 750 Army Chiefs that came here did. The reasoning was Indian […]

Pete is a new record breaker

One person that sent his apology for not getting to the meeting is The President Pete Kime pictured above in Burt’s record breaker in NZ. Meanwhile  the All British Rally […]

After 9 years a new website is coming

Remember that first car you owned and over the years you think of it fondly, then one day you the opportunity comes along to drive one the same car you […]

The joke’s on us

New member Jeremy Furness, our new website creator as well Barry the Bike author was bemused today as he attended his first Iron Indian ride to Yarra Glen, as you […]