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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Don’t forget the PSM THIS SUNDAY

This Sunday’s quarterly ride is forecast to be reasonably good weather, all meet at the St Andrew’s Pub at 11.00 am for refreshments and if you want to go on […]

The Trading Post is up and running

  At last the Trading post is going so anything you have for sale, bikes, sidecars, parts or regalia send photo’s and prices to me and its all free to […]

It all happens at the meetings

Last nights agenda was a monumental change in our Association two changes to our constitution happened and voted in un-apposed firstly no segregation of membership so associate members are now […]

Gypsy Tour and other things

    The next years Gypsy Tour of Tassie 2024  in March next year 7 people have already made the commitment  and paid the $100 entry to come and we […]