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Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Mecum’s Auctions the USA market, has the world gone mad?

The last couple of weeks I repeated my last years “pilgrimage” to Mecums Auctions in Las Vegas and it was interesting to see what is classed as valuable in todays […]

Times are a changing

Remember back in the olden days (pre mobile phones) when a ride or a rally was on it was very well attended and people weren’t politically correct  “snowflakes” and they […]

Anyone for scrap Harley’s?

Things are quite at this time of year but it kicks off with a bang next week starting with the Midnight Express Saturday 20th, then the week after the world […]

There is a lot happening this year so prepare the Indian

Beside the General meetings on the last Tuesday of the month or the 1st Sunday Association rides except when a Rally falls in that month, we have on the 20th […]