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Great Race 2018 details

Firstly the organisers would like to thank everybody who participated in the 2017 Great-Race. The Indian Team have cemented themselves with a clear break in overall wins from Harley something […]

Harley factory service tool

Just quote service tool part number WTF-OMG-0001 description TWMYBast  (short for, This Will Move You bastard) at your favorite Motor Co store.

A new idea for winter

  Lately in case you havnt noticed its colder and wetter of course that’s winter and now with under 6 months away from Christmas it slowly gets better. A new […]

Speedo drive woes, and small balls

Stewart Warner speedo drives fitted on 741 Scouts and 1948/ Chiefs my one was new and presumably pre-packed at $300+ I fitted it and after 4,000 miles it decided on […]