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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Shell oil for your indians

Is 80 KPH fast enough, no its not

Back in the days of yor when meeting another vehicle on the road was a big deal and the chances of that vehicle being horse drawn were 50-50 are well […]

Gypsy Tour 2018 Forms etc

Chris Horner’s 4th Gypsy Tour 2018 Expression of interest forms are listed below these are held every 2 years and are limited to 20 people, of course Indian Riders will […]

Aussie/NZ engine number debacles

I have recently helped Martyn Goodwyn in producing this article below for the on line OVR magazine, Martyn for those who know him has done a excellent job by checking […]