Tall tales and True from Tassie
Hi Phil
Read with interest your article on the new Indian Dealer in Launceston. I originate from Launceston & as a small boy the highlight of my early years was to be taken into town and left outside Sim King Motorcycles to look at the display in the shop window. I recall seeing an outfit one day & telling my parents “I will have one of those one day” finally got my outfit 4 years ago. Bought my first bike a BSA C11 from Sim King when I was 16. Sim King were in Elizabeth Street Launceston and prior to that in Brisbane St & were competitors with John King & Sons.
This link you may find interesting. http://nichaygarth.com/index.php/2017/01/14/take-her-with-you-lucy-king-the-lady-in-the-sidecar
Incidentally the first vehicle to get into Waldheim Chalet (Cradle valley) was an Indian Motorcycle in the 1920’s. Gustav Weindorfer the owner of Waldheim was so impressed he bought an Indian & this was his sole means of transport into Waldheim for many years. I read a book a few years ago about the history of the Cradle area, the book was called Three Indians & the Caterpillar by Anton Hudson Lade (Indian referring to motorcycle & Caterpillar referring to a half track vehicle that also made early trips into Cradle) I recall Gustav used to light a fire under his Indian to warm it up so he could get it started on sub zero mornings. I think he died from a heart attack trying to start his Indian one cold morning. Great reading if you can get a copy. They were tough men in those days, fascinating stories being lost in time.
Cheers Ian Snadden President CMCC of Victoria