Working on my Indian

Yesterday self Isolating I decided to catch up on doing some work on my newly acquired 346 Chief, it required three time consuming jobs, firstly re-time the oil pump so the distributor was’nt 90 degrees out so on full advance the distributor cap would not lever itself to the gearchange rod and fit a new advance cable and right angle bracket. Secondly it needed aluminum guard strips fitting so remove the wheels and drill 30 holes in the mudguards for the locating bolts, lastly skim the step out of the brake drum 10 thou so the wheel is simple to remove rather than belting the tyre with a mallet to get it to release. All painfully slow jobs taking a full day to finish i did’nt resort to turning the bike upside down like the service mechanic fixing the 741B above but I felt like doing that attaching those strips its painful down on the knees looking under the the full valanced guards on a Chief and screwing on those 30 small nuts anyway the result is good and the bike is more functional to boot and its still for sale in our Trading post Area