1 million and a half hits, and Anzac Day “Lest we Forget”
A million and a half minutes is about 2.85 years, a million and a half hours is 171.12 years, a million and a half days is around 37 years that’s a fair bit of time, and its the number achieved on this website in 7 years and about 174 different countries have looked in on us at one time or another, our American friends are the most loyal next to the Aussies but then surprisingly the Indian and the UK are also in there as well, so whats next probably 2 million time will tell. Anzac Day is always a sign of reflection “Lest we Forget” 60,000 died in the Great War and over 27,000 in WWII that’s not counting the casualties, in 1914 there were only 5 million people in Australia 7.2 million now live in NSW and 4 .17 million in Victoria and 2.35 million in W.Aust, a staggering that amount that died and although we needed to fight in the Second World War to save being invaded, the First War seems to me a waste of time. Mind you we hav”nt counted the Kiwi’s in these figures and they suffered equally with an even smaller population, war is futile unless you’re defending yourself and it seems with all the “sabre rattling” going on these days people have short memories