I totally agree
A short time ago I wrote a post on Lethargy will get you want you want and mainly the core subject was members not committing to rides, rallies or even meetings we have had to cancel the Rain in the Face Rally (last years poster above) next month because of so few commitments and as you know accommodation and meals can’t be organised in the last week. Some of our country members rely totally on our four seasonal rallies a year to catch up with you and look forward to each magazine or Rally in earnest much more than city folk that come to monthly Association Meetings or attend the monthly Rides as well, your committee in the past has cancelled all monthly rides that fall in the rally months to ensure a good attendance, this hasn’t seemed to help I know some of our rallies are very well supported so they will continue, but when the rally forms are out either texted to you or on this website, emailed, sent with your monthly e-mag Smoldering Embers, or quarterly Smoke Signals even FaceBook we expect an answer whether you can make it or not please it takes a fair bit to cater for and we have no idea who may turn up, in the past we had to ring the motels to find out who would be attending! So that was the reason we decided to arrange all the accommodation for you this ensured we could get an idea on numbers and get a good deal for you on accommodation or meals the entry forms out 8-10 weeks before should help to organize your life to enjoy a rally or two a year but unfortunately this has’nt proven true. I have decided with Noel Thornby’s & Gary Hogg’s permission to print their letters that will be past on to your committee next week.
understand some members will be overseas but as a country member I really look forward to these rally’s it is the only time I get to ride with other members which is a real buzz for me, I fully agree with Noels letter, why are we members for if we don’t attend fully organised events. Would having this rally earlier say May for instance help as it might be a little warmer nothing guaranteed though.