Here we go again, more Technoligy

The Iron Indian Riders of Australia have always been one of the more progressive clubs & the most progressive Indian group in Aussie let me reflect a little, the website around 10,000 hits a week catering for new & heritage Indians, our custom made clothing bags,caps, windcheaters, neck scarves,belts etc our 16 month Calendar, (available next week) option of electronically quarterly magazine “Smoke Signals” or hard cover if you desire professionaly edited, electronically monthly magazine “Smouldering Embers” monthly meetings & monthly ride days with 4 rallies a year including 1 x Midnight Express Run, Association discounts, Breakdown assistance ,new Indian & all Indian Riders & enthusiasts welcome in the Association with provision for non- Indian members as Associate Members, change of executive positions of the committee every two years (no stale committee members) Free Machine examination for Red Plate Permit Scheme. So why am I blowing the horn, Paypal we have now set up a account for your conveince most of you have used Ebay to buy your spares  & will embrace this method of payment, we are a 21st Century Association and the world never stopped in 1953 so again we have moved with the times, your membership can now be paid by this method & anything you wish to buy ie: a calendar for example is only a click away.