Message to other Indian Clubs Worldwide

early teens ride1941 Parade girl1915 publicity shotindian single

Just a word to other Indian Clubs around the world, sometimes I am sent photos from members & other people around the world, these unless I am told otherwise are usually public property occasionaly there are copywrite protected ones or “watermarked” these are not re-produced unless obviously their owners instruct me otherwise, sometimes the odd one gets reproduced please tell me if this affects you and I will delete it immediatly, most people enjoy their machine up on the site. I have had two such pictures in three years, trust me if its on Facebook, Twitter, or any other public forum then its “open slather” or public, and it can and will be re-produced by anybody, if you dont like this dont put your special images on the net and on Dropbox or FaceBook! Meanwhile because we are not anal about such things & we wish to help all Indian Owners worldwide for all models if you see a image on our site please feel to copy it & we would appreciate if you place under it where it came from.!