Rain-in the-Face Rally, a fantastic weekend

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Fantastic weather, great company, comfortable accommodation with plenty of food & a nice selection of Indians from Springfield to Polaris with no breakdowns this all adds up to a marvelous weekend away in Myrtleford thanks to the skills of Garry Hogg leading us around all the hidden areas in literally his back-yard. So a bit over the top with adjectives you think, well for those of you that mowed lawns, took kids to Jazz ballet, or football, washed the car, weeded the garden,went dirt bike riding or wimped it out in general “eat your heart out” we had a good enough time to re-book again ready for next year, there is only room for 28 people so start booking at the Railway Hotel/Motel now. Our next big Rally is the Crazy Horse Rally in Sept at Coroyong book today at the Mountain View Motel or start thinking of another weak limp-wristed excuse like “I didn’t realize it was on”