Gypsy Tour 2018 Forms etc

Chris Horner’s 4th Gypsy Tour 2018 Expression of interest forms are listed below these are held every 2 years and are limited to 20 people, of course Indian Riders will have first preference over other brands. Now the secret is as was the now defunct Rain-in the Face rally (for this year) that was going to be the long weekend next week is get your form in NOW, then when a payment is asked for in September pay immediately into the bank account on website listed under the Town Crier above this seems simple but some have a problem with this till the last week before the rally then if  expect to catered for at the last moment! This Gypsy Tour is extremely popular and fills up quickly as it has done in the past and the Tour will be at least 12 days so organise that time off work now if you’re considering going the Route is up the OLD Hume Highway not the new Hume FREEWAY  it’s all paved now not like the photo above and return home down the Princes Hwy on the Coast road, by the way don’t forget the Association Ride tomorrow all details on the calendar

2018 IIRA Gypsy Tour #1